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Sermon Title: "The Way of the Spirit"

Text: Matthew 12:22-32
Preacher: Alex Hogendoorn
Date: March 16, 2025**

Summary Tagline:

"The Spirit leads us to victory—aligning us with the Will of the Father, the Life of the Son, and the Power of the Spirit."

Message Summary:

Alex opened the sermon by revisiting Jesus' baptism, showing how the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness—not as a detour, but as the path itself. The wilderness was not just a test but the template for his entire ministry. Jesus' victory in the wilderness set the pattern for how he would overcome sin, Satan, and suffering throughout his life. If Jesus needed the Spirit for his journey, then so do we.

In Matthew 12:22-32, Jesus responds to accusations that he casts out demons by Beelzebul. Instead of engaging in theological debate, he makes a profound declaration: "If it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you." Jesus was not relying on his own divine power—he was empowered by the Spirit. The same Spirit that led him in the wilderness was the source of his power in ministry and victory over the enemy. Alex drove home the reality that we cannot walk in victory without the Spirit. Just as Jesus needed the Spirit, so must we—because without him, we will always fall short.

Group Discussion Guide

Icebreaker Questions: (Choose 1)

1. Have you ever had an experience where following the “hard way” turned out to be the best way?

2. What is something you’ve done that required total trust in someone else?

3. When have you felt spiritually "lost in the wilderness," and what helped you find your way?

Read Matthew 12:22-32 together and discuss any questions that arise from the passage. Then use a few of these questions for further reflection.

Discussion Questions:

1. Jesus declared that he cast out demons by the Spirit of God. How does this challenge or deepen your understanding of Jesus' ministry?

2. The wilderness was not just a test but a template for Jesus’ entire ministry. How does this perspective reshape the way you view trials and struggles in your own life?

3. Jesus warned the Pharisees that resisting the Spirit meant resisting God’s kingdom. In what ways do we, even as believers, sometimes resist the work of the Holy Spirit?

4. Being "in Christ" is hard to imagine. We often picture walking with Jesus, like two sets of footprints, but when we walk in Christ, there is only one set—where he steps, we step. What does this mean practically in your daily life? How does it change the way you approach struggles, decisions, or even prayer?

5. The Lord’s Prayer teaches us to pray, "Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil." When we pray "Lead us," we are aligning with the will of the Father, the example of Jesus, and the power of the Spirit working in unity. How does this prayer shape the way we seek God’s guidance in our lives?


For Further Study:

  1. Matthew 12:22-32 – Jesus casts out demons by the Spirit of God.
  2. Matthew 4:1-11 – The Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness.
  3. Luke 4:14-21 – Jesus begins his ministry by declaring the Spirit is upon him.
  4. Romans 8:12-14 – Those led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.
  5. Galatians 5:16-18 – Walk by the Spirit and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
  6. 2 Corinthians 3:17-18 – Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
  7. John 16:13-15 – The Spirit guides us into all truth.
  8. Ephesians 5:18 – Be filled with the Spirit.
  9. 1 Corinthians 2:10-16 – The Spirit reveals the deep things of God.
  10. Isaiah 61:1-3 – The Spirit of the Lord is upon me to bring good news to the poor.

Gospel Connections

Let’s discuss how we can apply this message to our lives as we seek to make the following connections as we follow Jesus:

  1. How does following the Spirit’s leading deepen your relationship with God?
  2. How can our church encourage people to depend on the Spirit in daily life, not just in crisis moments?
  3. How can our group support each other in walking in Christ’s victory instead of trying to fight spiritual battles in our own strength?
  4. What are ways we can bring the Spirit’s freedom, healing, and deliverance to those in our city who are bound by fear, sin, or spiritual blindness?