Missions Committee

The vision at Courtenay Fellowship Baptist Church is: “To know Christ and make Him known”

The Missions Committee seeks to help people know Christ and passionately live for God through the fulfillment of its own specific vision, which is: “To impact the world with the gospel of Christ, by supporting and encouraging missionaries and challenging the congregation to become involved in missions”       

     The committee’s main area of focus is on Bible translation, church planting, and discipleship training among unreached people groups. Currently we support missionaries/agencies in Ethiopia, South Sudan, Venezuela, Dominican Republic, Pakistan, North Africa, Indonesia and in Nicaragua.  In Ethiopia we have seen great strides made among the T’apo people who did not have a written language. After years of diligent work, they have a written language and 2 books of the Bible have been published in their mother tongue. In Pakistan, a complete Bible is in publication for a Muslim and Hindu audience. Bible study courses and discipleship training are active in Pakistan, leading to home church plants.  At-risk boys in Venezuela, Dominican Republic, and S. Sudan are being discipled.  Currently we are supporting 2 young women from our congregation who are in full time ministry.

     Within Canada, we partner locally with YFC, Vancouver Urban Ministries, and Migrant Workers Ministry, who minister to a wide range of ethnic groups. As well as 2 home based ministries actively developing disciples amongst new immigrants through the Discovery Bible series.
     Short term mission trips and volunteering with ministries is also encouraged in the congregation.  Several short-term mission trips have been made to Venezuela, the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, the Amazon, and through YWAM to France, Philippines, and Quebec.We, as a committee, feel so blessed to be part of a church with a mission focus globally and locally.

If you are looking for a church home with a mission focus, consider Courtenay Fellowship Baptist. If you are already part of our family and wish to get more involved in missions, please contact the church office.


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