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Sermon Title: “BLESS: Sharing Your Story”

Text: Acts 26

Preacher: Alex Hogendoorn

Date: February 16, 2025

Summary Tagline:

“Your testimony is not about your words—it’s about Christ making himself known through you.”

Message Summary:

In Acts 26, Paul stands before King Agrippa and boldly shares his testimony, not as a legal defense but as a witness to Christ’s transforming power. Alex emphasized that sharing our story isn’t about eloquence or debate—it’s about testifying to what Jesus has done. Paul recounts his life before Christ, his dramatic encounter with Christ, and his new purpose after meeting him. His story is simple yet powerful, because it is rooted in a real experience with Jesus, not in arguments or persuasion. Alex challenged us to see our own testimonies through this same lens, recognizing that every believer has a story worth sharing.

Group Discussion Guide

Icebreaker Questions:

  1. Have you ever been completely lost while traveling? How did you find your way?
  2. Who is someone that helped guide you in your faith journey? How did their story impact you?
  3. Have you ever had a moment where you knew God was trying to get your attention, but you resisted?

“These next discussion questions are intended to give us each a chance to engage in the message personally and hear what Jesus is doing in each of our lives too. In this, we all become preachers to one another as we learn to follow Jesus together.”

Discussion Questions:

  1. Paul structured his testimony with three key elements: Before Christ, Meeting Christ, and After Christ. How does this structure help you think about your own faith story?
  2. The phrase “kicking against the goads” describes someone resisting what they know to be true. Have you ever experienced a season of resisting Jesus’ call? What finally led you to surrender?
  3. Paul’s story was not about his persuasive speech but about his encounter with Jesus. How does this change the way you think about sharing your own testimony?
  4. King Agrippa responded with “In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?” What do you think holds people back from responding to Jesus?
  5. We often try to bypass the cross, running in circles instead of admitting our need for Jesus. How can returning to the cross daily change the way you live and share your faith?

For Further Study:

  1. Acts 26:1-32 – Paul shares his testimony before Agrippa.
  2. Acts 9:1-19 – The original account of Paul’s conversion on the road to Damascus.
  3. John 9:25 – “One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.”
  4. Romans 10:14-15 – How will they hear without someone preaching?
  5. 2 Corinthians 5:17-21 – We are Christ’s ambassadors, sharing the message of reconciliation.
  6. 1 Peter 3:15 – Always be prepared to give an answer for the hope you have.
  7. Luke 15:17-24 – The prodigal son realizing he must return to the Father.
  8. Matthew 10:19-20 – The Spirit will give you the words to speak when you testify.
  9. Galatians 2:20 – “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.”
  10. Psalm 107:2 – “Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!”

Gospel Connections

Let’s discuss how we can apply this message to our lives as we seek to make the following connections as we follow Jesus:

  1. How does sharing your testimony deepen your connection with God?
  2. How can our church equip and encourage believers to share their faith stories more confidently?
  3. How can our group support one another in stepping out to be witnesses for Christ in everyday life?
  4. Who are you praying for on your 5x5x5 card? Has an opportunity arisen to share your story?